Disaster Recovery (DR) is a process for ensuring continuity of IT business as usual activities, in the event of a natural or manmade catastrophe. Understanding an organization’s activities and how all of its resources are interconnected. Assessing an organization’s vulnerability in all areas, including operating procedures, physical space and equipment, data integrity and contingency planning. Understanding how all levels of the organization would be affected in the event of a disaster. Developing a short-term recovery plan. Developing a long-term recovery plan, including how to return to normal business operations and prioritizing the order of functions that are resumed. Testing and consistently maintaining and updating the plan as the business changes.

Preventive measures
Controls aimed at preventing an event from occurring.

Detective measures
Controls aimed at detecting or discovering unwanted events.

Corrective measures
Controls aimed at correcting or restoring the system after a disaster or an event.

Our solution differs from our competitors as we offer carrier neutral options and multiple options for bandwidth.